7 Christmas Wishes of Families with Children with Special Needs

Alethea Mshar
Special needs mom and Blogger
12/19/16  6:41 PM PST
Christmas scene with happy family in blurred background

Christmas is a magical time of year; a time to focus on our loved ones and remember what really matters in life. For special needs families, that can be easier said than done. Like every other family, we have a list of wishes, but ours might not be what you’d expect. Here are some of them.

7 Christmas Wishes of Families with Children with Special Needs

  1. To Stay Healthy. Nobody likes to get sick, but for some of our kids, even a cold can end up in a hospitalization. Our loved ones can help: let us know if you’re sick, so we can decide if we’re still able to see you, and wash or sanitize your hands when we get together to safeguard our child.
  2. Your understanding. We might not make it to your gathering. We might be late or leave early. We might cancel for fear of illness. Please understand that it isn’t about you; we have many factors to weigh in when choosing how to socialize, and we love you even if we can’t see you for the holidays this year.
  3. A day of “normal.” We might not be able to scrap the meds or medical care for a day, even Christmas, but this is a day, even more than the rest, that we want to be as normal as possible. Loved ones can help by keeping the conversation away from medical or developmental challenges we currently have on our plates.
  4. Our own traditions. One of my favorite things about parenting my kids with special needs is the unfettered joy that my older son, Alex, who has with Down syndrome, displays over Christmas. His sincere delight has been a gift that we have enjoyed, and we still celebrate Santa well after the age when children usually grow out of it. Our traditions may not make sense to you, but they mean the world to us.
  5. To invite you into our world.  Special needs families might do things differently, but we would love to share our lives with you, if you take the time to pay attention.
  6. A Happy New Year. If this year has been challenging, we might be facing a new year with trepidation. Sometimes the close of a difficult year, especially if there’s a new diagnosis, can lead to an uneasy feeling as we look to the future. We always hope for a new year of health and breakthroughs!
  7. Joy to the world. Just like everyone else, special needs families long for joy, peace and goodwill toward others.

Like all other families, our kids mean the world to us, and the holiday season is a time of wonderful traditions and fun. Thank you to all of our loved ones who love us where we are! Many blessings to you through the holidays and the new year!

More on Special Needs Families and the Holidays:

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