Feeding Tube Accessories

Product Specialist | Shield HealthCare
09/14/17  2:27 PM PST
feeding tube accessories

Feeding Tube Accessories: How to Improve Life with a Feeding Tube

Keeping a feeding tube secure, clean and safe is important but can have a fun twist. Many feeding tube accessories are available, created by caregivers and manufacturers to secure the tube and make life with a feeding tube easier and more fun. From FDA-approved retention tape for NJ and NG tubes, to onesies with built in ports for efficient G-tube access; comfort and security is available for children in kid-friendly designs.

Sticker Tape

Kids Hope Chest offers FDA- approved stickers for children with nasal feeding tubes. These latex-free stickers come in fun shapes and colors, including dinosaurs, robots, hearts, and butterflies that safely secure tubing to the cheek. For a child with a NJ or NG tube, a bright sticker can offer much more fun than plain white medical tape.

Button Pads and Covers/Belts

Button pads protect the skin around the feeding tube against irritation and moisture and are washable for safe, continued use. Not all children need to use a dressing or button pad with their feeding tube. If your healthcare professional has suggested the use of a dressing, reusable and washable button pads can be a comfortable, fun and environmentally-friendly alternative to gauze.

Homemade covers and belts can be worn under the clothes, help secure the g-tube to prevent snagging and to promote safe patient activity by containing all parts of the button and tube.

Tip: Remember to keep the skin around the tube clean and dry. Always change the dressing as soon as it becomes wet or moist.

Available from Abilitee Adaptive Wear & Kids Hope Chest


Available from Fashion Tubies & Tubie’s Closet


Benik Corporation supplies custom neoprene G-tube protective belts for all ages. The tubing is threaded though the belt and has an access port protected by a Velcro flap. A soft cover or hard turtle shell cover is available for extra protection.

Adaptive Clothing

Stylish clothing made with access points for efficient G-tube access, making feeding easy on-the-go.

C. C. MooLotsa Brave People, & Abilitee Adaptive Wear


Other Feeding Tube Accessories

Tubie Pockets supplies mom-made pockets that pin to clothing to hold NJ and NG tubes safely while not in use, keeping the tube clean and secure. Hanging pockets slip over feeding bags without disturbance and have extra room for ice-packs to keep bag cool for an extended period of time. Custom sizing is available.


Lemon Drops offers a wide variety of homemade items proved useful in and out of the hospital and everywhere in-between. Including common products featured above, Lemon Drops can custom make weighted blankets, waterproof pads, hospital gowns and more.

    • Syringe holsters can be adapted to hold any supplies necessary for enteral feeding including the syringes themselves, gauze, and lubrication jelly.
    • Cord and connection covers help keep the equipment safe and clean. Preventing cord tangles and snags, and keeping connections stable and together, covers also provide a punch of color.


For more feeding tube accessories:

More Articles on Tube Feeding Your Child:

Featured image courtesy of Life with the ‘Tars

Recent Nutrition


    1. Hi Monica, first off, you should definitely reach out to your doctor or healthcare professional about your gastrointestinal issues! A doctor could check to see if there’s anything wrong that simply adjusting your feedings wouldn’t fix. Beyond that, several things could be considered, such as the method of feeding (bolus/pump/gravity), rate or speed of your feedings, type of formula you are on, the amount of water or fiber in your formula, medications you take, as well as the function of your gastrointestinal tract. I am happy to troubleshoot with you if you’d like to email me directly at rd@shieldhealthcare.com. Thank you!

  1. I’m 38 years old and I weigh 90 pounds. I have never been a big person. 118 was original weight. I started out on bolus feedings but wasn’t able to tolerate the volume and I was doing Gravity. Jevity 1.5 I received my feeding tube around June or July 2017. I have not gained any weight since I have had the gastric tube. Im now continuous feedings on a Kangaroo Feeding pump using Perative 1.3 enternal feeding started rate 45ml every hour and 84ml flushes every 4 hours. As of today I’m the rate is 50ml ever hour 100ml flushes every 4 hour. I have had a g tube before(14 years ago) and didn’t have these complications. I was eventually able to get back to normal eating. currently I have severe Dysphagia from auto immune disease dermatomyositis which has effected my throat muscles. How long will it take to see some results with continuous feedings at least gain 1 pound, my stomach is always grumbling, and I never burp which cause upper spasm in chest. Should I let an GI do stomach emptying test. I would love to go back to bolus it’s easier. And if your on 24 hours feedings what’s the longest you can disconnect from the continous pump? So for long post just trying to find answers..

    1. Hi Quanah, thank you for your question! Sorry you are having trouble. It sounds like your situation is pretty complicated. If I’m understanding your current regimen correctly, it should be enough calories for you to gain weight but only if you are getting all of it in every day and you are able to absorb it. I would recommend you discuss with your Gastroenterologist to see if you should undergo any tests to determine why you are not gaining wt. I assume you’ve already trialed standard formulas? You might ask to trial a different formula that is similar to the one you’re on. Vital (also from Abbott) is also partially broken down for easier absorption and it comes in a concentrated form of 1.5 calories per milliliter so that you can possibly run it at a lower rate or for less time. If you’ve already tried the peptide-based formulas that are available (Perative, Vital, Peptamen), ask your doctor if you can trial an amino acid-based formula, such as Vivonex. To answer your last question, you can disconnect from the pump for any length of time as long as you are able to tolerate a rate that meets your nutrition needs. Hope that helps!

  2. We are looking for a new nasal cannula securement device for the neonates in our NICU. The sticker tape for feeding tubes looks like it may be a product we could trial…do these happen to come in sizes suitable for premature infants? Thanks!

    1. Hi Christie,
      It looks like they have a preemie/newborn size. YOu could contact the company for more information and sizing.
      Good luck!

  3. My husband has a feeding tube and the part u open – the “Tab/stopper” is splitting. We think if we had a stopper it would stay attached without being attached to feeding tube as was as the original design. What do u call the part that I’m trying to find?

    1. Hi, Cheryl. This is a good question. As technology and designs advance, manufacturers begin to retire older models of items and replace with the new upgraded versions. This could be the case with your husband’s feeding tube. To find the piece you are looking for, you would need to know what supplies (manufacturer & model number) you are using. You can find more information about this by calling your medical supply provider.
      I hope this helps. I wish the best for you and your husband.

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