The Exhaustion of Being “Othered”‘ A friend of mine was recently on an airplane with her daughter. This was an international flight, a long one, and they had just settled into their seats. My friend looked over to find a girl filming her daughter who has limb differences. My friend spoke up, asked the girl’s… Continue reading Languishing in the Disability Community
Parents are counting down the days they have left with their college-bound child. This is a time of worry and anticipation, fear and excitement...
The new school year will be here in less than a month for many families, and parents are beginning to think ahead to fall. How do we prepare our children?
Closing the Loop with our Children/Teens/Young Adults with ADHD How many times have you walked into a room and noticed that your child, teen, young adult or partner has left a trail of things around the kitchen where the sandwich was made, the ice cream was scooped, or the coffee was made? The drawers and… Continue reading ADHD Parenting: Teaching Children to “Close the Loop”
We all enjoy doing something both fun AND free! If you are looking to save some money while thoroughly enjoying your summer, here a few ideas.
I want to remember these firsts with my children. They will quickly be forgotten, but they are big. Let them be big for you as much as for them.
Every middle schooler is on an epic quest to fit into a spot made especially for them, to excel at one particular craft, to be known for something.
These are the little bubbles of laughter and light we need when life is the hardest. That’s the thing about life - it usually sends you something when...
If your child has recently been diagnosed with Fragile X, it can be overwhelming and scary. Fragile X can present a unique set of challenges for individuals and their families.
For Charlie who uses a wheelchair and is mostly nonverbal, YouTube is his gateway to the world. It opens doors to other adventures...