moving with special needs

Moving with Special Needs – Part 2: Doctors

Moving with special needs? Choosing the right school is one thing. Finding the right pediatrician and medical specialists takes special care and planning.

Alethea Mshar
child with special needs

How Parenting a Child with Special Needs Makes You a Lifelong Learner

As mom to a child with special needs, I'm also a teacher, writer, nurse, chef, physical therapist, psychologist and shaper of one very special kid’s future.

Jamie Sumner
special needs family

4 Ways to Break the Ice with a Family with Children with Special Needs

How do you go about talking to a special needs family? Here's how you can meet us in the middle when you see us out with our kids.

Alethea Mshar
special needs parent

Why No, I’m Not Actually A Saint, Said the Parent of a Child with Special Needs

Does being a special needs parent make me a saint? You might be surprised that I’m just getting by, pretty much like everyone else.

Alethea Mshar
Preparing for a Child's Surgery

Your Child with Special Needs: Preparing for a Child’s Surgery

Preparing for a child's surgery? I thought I was prepared for my son to have surgery, but when the day arrived I was beside myself.

Alethea Mshar
tube feeding

Recorded Webinar: The Complete Nurse’s Guide to Tube Feeding

Watch this recorded webinar - Addresses formula administration, tube feeding site care, troubleshooting complications, & identifying signs of malnutrition.

Danny Nguyen
the birds and the bees

The Birds and the Bees for Children with Special Needs

Down syndrome and cognitive impairments make the birds and the bees more difficult. Addressing the issue in early childhood has made all the difference.

Alethea Mshar
special needs parent

Dear Santa: Letter from a Parent of a Child with Special Needs

All those ads for cars and jewelry! Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn't mind them, but as a special needs parent, so much is more important to me this Christmas.

Alethea Mshar
child with a poor immune system

Parenting a Child With A Poor Immune System

Parenting a child with a poor immune system is a terrifying experience. Kids like Ben could get wiped out by the common cold.

Alethea Mshar
special needs family

7 Tips For Nurturing Your Marriage in a Family with Children with Special Needs

Nurturing your marriage in a special needs family requires a particular set of skills. We've found some tricks that work for us.

Alethea Mshar
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