How Much Do You Know About Incontinence? It’s Quiz Time!

Gina Flores
Caregiver Advocate | Shield HealthCare
03/16/12  8:30 AM PST

Test Your Knowledge…

True or False?

  1. Incontinence is a normal part of aging.
  2. There is no cure for incontinence. Sufferers must “learn to live with it.”
  3. 80% of people who experience urinary incontinence are women.
  4. Incontinence is a disease.
  5. Certain medications can cause incontinence as a side-effect.
  6. It is a good idea for people with incontinence to cut back on fluid intake.
  7. Kegel exercises can help reduce incontinence by strengthening muscles that control urination.
  8. There are different types of incontinence with different causes.
  9. Embarrassment prevents many people with incontinence from seeking medical attention for their condition.
  10. Stress incontinence can be triggered by coughing, laughing, straining or sneezing.
  11. Urge incontinence is triggered by the inability to prevent urine leakage when feeling a strong urge to urinate.
  12. Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder does not empty and becomes so full that urine begins to leak out.
  13. There is nothing to be done for incontinence except to wear absorbent products.
  14. Some foods and drinks such as coffee, tomatoes and milk can promote incontinence by irritating the bladder.
  15. Being overweight has no bearing on being incontinent.
  16. Skin care is not important when dealing with incontinence.
  17. Surgery is usually necessary to correct incontinence.
  18. Bladder retraining can be used to change patterns of urination thereby cutting down on incontinence episodes.
  19. It is important to consult with a doctor when bladder control problems begin.
  20. Incontinence is often curable and always manageable.


  1. False. Although incontinence is more common in elderly people, it is not an inevitable part of aging.
  2. False. A variety of treatments for incontinence exist, including bladder retraining, muscle strengthening, drugs, timing of fluid intake, absorbent products and surgery.
  3. True. Incontinence is more common in women due to muscle weakening from pregnancy and differences in anatomy.
  4. False. Incontinence is not a disease, but a symptom of other problems and a signal to seek medical attention.
  5. True. Many medications can cause incontinence as a side effect. Some of the more common are antihistamines, certain antidepressants and diuretics.
  6. False. It is important to maintain proper fluid intake. Cutting back on fluids can lead to even more severe incontinence. The bladder needs to fill to provide the sensation of urinary urge. Lack of fluid can lead to constipation, which promotes urinary incontinence.
  7. True. Properly done Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and reduce urine leakage.
  8. True. The most common types of incontinence are stress, urge, overflow and iatrogenic.
  9. True. It is estimated that less than half of those troubled by incontinence will seek medical advice.
  10. True. Stress incontinence is related to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and causes leaking of urine during times of abdominal strain, such as laughing, sneezing or lifting.
  11. True. Urge incontinence is the most common in elderly people. It is the inability to prevent urine leakage after feeling a strong urge to urinate, often caused by nervous system disorders, urinary tract infection or enlargement of the prostate gland.
  12. True. Overflow incontinence is not common. It occurs when the bladder becomes so full the urine begins to leak out. It can be caused by muscle weakness, prostate enlargement, nerve damage or diabetes.
  13. False. Incontinence can often be treated by following a schedule of urinating and practicing Kegel exercises. Other treatments include medications, catheterization or surgery.
  14. True. There are many foods that can irritate the bladder leading to increased incontinence. Some of the most common are caffeine, acidic foods, alcohol, spicy foods, milk products and artificial sweeteners.
  15. False. Excess weight adds to abdominal pressure that can lead to incontinence. Even a small weight loss can help.
  16. False. Incontinence can lead to skin irritation and infection in the affected area. It is important to keep the skin clean and dry.
  17. False. Surgery is occasionally necessary. Surgery can clear a blockage such as prostate enlargement or bladder displacement.
  18. True. Following a schedule of voiding urine, a person can “retrain” the bladder to empty only at appropriate times.
  19. True. Early consultation with a doctor is important. Incontinence can be a symptom of more serious illness.
  20. True. There are treatments for every type of incontinence. Depending on the cause, incontinence can sometimes be cured and can always be improved or managed.

Need help finding the right incontinence product? See Shield HealthCare’s Incontinence Product Selection Guide for a visual reference to absorbent product options for every level of incontinence.

Order our free Living Well with Incontinence Guide.

You can find more articles related to incontinence below:

Recent Incontinence


  1. Hello Leslie, Thank you for your interest in Shield HealthCare’s emergency ostomy kit for health professionals. We will process your request today. Have a great weekend.

  2. I have been diagnosed at Mayo with corticobasal syndrome. I need to retrain my bladder as I wake 5-6 times between 8:30 PM and 8:30 AM. Can you help me?

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