Shield HealthCare Review: A Nurse Caregiver/Daughter Shares Her Story

Gina Flores
Caregiver Advocate | Shield HealthCare
12/09/11  8:48 PM PST

Special thanks to Bonita in Illinois, who recently expressed her gratitude for the medical supplies and service from Shield HealthCare that help her provide dependable incontinence care at home for her mother.

Bonita writes

I never really thought about where healthcare supplies came from before. Until I had to call Shield HealthCare for my own mom, it wasn’t very important. But being a nurse for twenty years, my mom’s daughter for fifty years and her caregiver for one year, I do know that having what you need to give better care- having enough supplies is so very important. The employees of Shield HealthCare are so very important to me. They call me every month to remind me it’s time to reorder. They also work with my mom’s doctors, nurses and myself to make things less hectic. I am never stressed out when I call them and no matter the question, no matter the problem (ex: running out of the chux in 3 days) Shield HealthCare will get them to me in 2 days. They never leave me room for doubt. Just to let you know why I REALLY, TRULY do appreciate them:

My mom is 82 years old, still feisty, stubborn, lucid, smart, funny and tries her hardest to remain independent. I know she still needs me and she still sees me as her ‘little girl’. Even though she knows I am a capable, self-assured, passionate about my profession and very knowledgeable & empathetic nurse, all of that goes out the window (sometimes with both us of us) because it’s hard to remember I’m a nurse. With my mom, I’m her daughter first and foremost, but Shield HealthCare makes both of us feel more self-assured. In my love for her, it helps to trust that I know what I am doing and why. Shield HealthCare doesn’t just deliver and supply. They make me look good with every supply they deliver! Thank you!

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