What’s a Healthy Lunch?

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
02/10/14  11:16 PM PST

Wondering what to eat for lunch today? How about something that won’t bring on the post-lunch guilt or worse, the afternoon doldrums?

Starting in March, in honor of National Nutrition Month, Shield HealthCare is holding a Show Us Your Healthy Lunch Contest (details coming soon)!

Start training now to be one of our lucky winners! Don’t worry; we’ll give you a hint: A healthy lunch contains an energizing mix of veggies, fruit, whole grains and lean protein.

Here’s a healthy lunch example:

  • Hummus +
  • Celery sticks +
  • Whole grain or multigrain pita chips +
  • Seasoned tofu +
  • Navel orange +
  • Bottled water
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