Before Ostomy Surgery

Aimee Sharp
Author | Shield HealthCare
06/20/14  7:25 PM PST
woman packing a luggage for a new journey

You’ve got this. You have likely been battling a disease for some time, and if you can battle a disease, you can certainly handle ostomy surgery. For many people the choice is a bag or a box, and you’re making the right choice. The time you spend preparing before ostomy surgery can be hard, but it’s worth it.

Our community of ostomates is with you. We’re with you.

Ostomies can change your life for the better. Check it out:

“23 when I was diagnosed, 36 for ostomy surgery. I was pretty much dying when they finally did surgery on me. Fevers, swollen joints, very anemic, too weak for surgery. Had a PIC line placed for nutrition and blood transfusions to prepare me for surgery. So blessed for my bag! I wouldn’t be here without it!” -K., OstomyLife Facebook community member

Will a sense of normal return to your life? Probably, yes!

“End of May will be 2 years for me and I have never had anyone stare or point at my bag area. Yes the first couple months I couldn’t imagine ever getting used to wearing so-called normal clothes. Now I wear everything I want just like before. I do get a little emotional sometimes when changing the wafer but I still can’t believe how far I have come, since I’m the biggest baby ever! Lol” -T., OstomyLife Facebook community member

Are you worried that you’re making the wrong choice? Do you want to wait longer to see what else can be done? Each person is different, and we can only tell you to follow the advice of your doctors. But here is some testimony:

“Waited too long (to have ostomy surgery). Wish I had done it years ago since I feel awesome now.” – M., OstomyLife Facebook community member

Yes, keeping all the body parts you were born with would be ideal. But sometimes that’s just not an option. So let’s prepare for the next best thing, and work to get to a place where you can live a happy and healthy, full life.

First step: Surgery. Let’s do this.

Find articles and resources about ostomy surgery below:

Shield HealthCare | Medical Supplies For Care At Home Since 1957

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Can you tell me of any medication or pills I can take that eliminate or lessen odor? It seems to be worse in the mornings. I am going on vacation with friends and it can be very embarrassing.
Thank you,
There are products that can eliminate odor.
They’re not medications, but drops you can put into your ostomy bag. There are many different options...

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