Swimming with an Ostomy Video

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
09/21/14  3:56 AM PST

Swimming after you have ostomy surgery was one of most prominent things on our Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, Laura Cox’s mind when she was released from the hospital. The idea of not getting to head into a pool or the ocean ever again can be very depressing. But! Most wafers are waterproof, so once you are recovered from surgery, a dip in the pool should be in order. In this swimming with an ostomy video, you can learn all about what you can do to feel confident in the water.

Want to feel even more confident? Check out our community member’s tips for even more security when swimming.

Watch Laura’s video with tips for how to make swimming with an ostomy work for you. Want to watch this video with subtitles? You can find that option when you watch this video on YouTube.

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