How to Eat With an Ostomy Video

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
12/04/14  4:04 AM PST

Watch Laura Cox’s video about how to eat with an ostomy (either a ileostomy or colostomy). In it, she discusses:

-Trying New Foods
-Multivitamins and Suppliments
-Blended Meals: Smoothies and Juices
-Laura’s Smoothie Recipe
-Gas and Gas Buildup

Tips and Tricks:
Only add one new food type per day. Take a couple bites, chew very well, and then follow it up with a glass of water. After a couple hours, if you feel like the food has passed, then take a couple more bites, chew well and follow that with another glass of water. This may sound tedious, but it helps make the process of reintroducing new foods safer.

Multivitamins and Supplements:
Speak with your doctor about taking a daily multivitamin. You should also discuss any supplements you are considering adding to your diet.

Smoothie Recipe:
1 whole banana (put into the freezer an hour beforehand, so that ice is not needed)
3-4 strawberries (or as many as you’d like)
1-2 handfuls of spinach (or other greens like kale)
Blueberry or strawberry kefir

Blend until smooth.

For more information, see related ostomy articles and resources here:

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