Nutrition and Your Ostomy Video

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
01/21/15  6:24 AM PST

This video about nutrition and your ostomy has an associated article in which you can find much of the information presented in the video, along with recommendations for diet accommodations immediately following surgery.

In this video, Shield HealthCare’s Registered Dietitian, Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS, discusses how to avoid gas, odor coming from your ostomy pouch, along with which foods may cause constipation and/or blockages. Alternately, she shows us which foods can be used to stop diarrhea or loose stools. Amy also talks about foods that are high in oxalates, which some doctors may ask an ostomate to avoid, since these foods have been associated with kidney stones (ostomates may have a higher risk of kidney stones). Lastly, Amy discusses how to keep oneself hydrated throughout the day.

You can find the recipes for both of the hydrating drinks that Amy demonstrates in this video in the related article.

For more information, see related ostomy articles and resources here:

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