Donating Unused Ostomy Supplies

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
05/12/15  9:28 PM PST
donating unused ostomy supplies

There are many people with ostomies worldwide that do not have the resources to get the supplies they need. If, due to a reversal or your ostomy or after switching to a new product, you find yourself with unneeded or outdated supplies, you can help those in need by donating unused ostomy supplies.

Donating Unused Ostomy Supplies

How Can You Help?

  1. Give your supplies to a local ostomy support group. You can find your local UOAA support group on the UOAA website. Or, you could give the supplies to your Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse (WOCN). If you do not know a WOCN in your area, you can find one on the official WOCN website. This way, people with new ostomies can sample different products while looking for the right fit for them.


  1. Donate to an organization committed to providing supplies to ostomates in need. Two such organizations are:
    1. Friends of Ostomates Worldwide –
      1. Who They Are: A non-profit volunteer organization founded in 1986.
      2. What They Do: Send donated ostomy supplies to people in need worldwide, and make sure the supplies are distributed free-of-charge.
    2. Ostogroup –
      1. Who They Are:  A not-for-profit organization that receives donations of unused ostomy products from all over the United States.
      2. What They Do: Collect donated ostomy supplies and provide them to the uninsured for just the cost of shipping and handling.

Do you know of another organization that provides supplies to ostomates in need? Please let us know and provide a link in the comments below. Thank you!

For more information, see related articles and ostomy resources here:

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Dear Laura, I wear a two piece ostomy bag. I need help with concealing an ostomy bag. When I move around my shirt hikes up and the tip of the bag peeks out from under my shirt.
Hi Tom, I have a few suggestions that may help!
First, I'm wondering if a stealth belt would be a good option for you. This is a black belt that you can conveniently tuck your pouch...

Recent OstomyLife


  1. Hi I was wondering if you know anywhere in Ringwood or Paramus NJ that my friend can donate her husbands ostomy supplies? He passed away and no local hospitals will accept. They told her to ship it to Florida but there is a lot and it would cost over $100 to ship. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you,

    1. Hi Diana,

      I would start by contacting the nearest United Ostomy Association of America support group (I looked it up and the closest one to you is in Visalia, CA)

      The support group leader’s name is Andrea and you can email her at

      She will know if there is a close place for you to donate your dad’s supplies.

  2. Where can I donate my sister’s ostomy supplies? I have cases of wafers, bags, creams, etc. We live near Radford, va. These are brand new sealed items.

  3. I am asking for help, I’m having my surgery on 3/31/2016 . I have no insurance and need help with my supplies for a colostomy . Does any body no were I can go I live in mineral VA

    1. Hi Anna,

      First, I would look for a local WOCN (wound ostomy continence nurse) or support group and ask if they have any supplies that you could use (if you need help finding a WOCN or support group, please let me know and I can assist you). Otherwise I would suggest you find somewhere you can purchase ostomy supplies out of pocket. Ostogroup tends to be one of the cheapest places.

      I hope your surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery!


  4. My sister is in desperate need of wafers and pouches , 57mm. and she doesn’t have insurance.

    Is there anyone who doesn’t need theirs that can donate them to her?

    Any little bit helps, Thanks,

  5. Hi i live near the Los Angeles, CA area and my grandma has been recently cut off from her medical colostomy bags, and since they are expensive i was wondering if anyone knew of a place where she can receive them at a low price or even (by some miracle) free.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    1. Hi Brandy,
      I’m sorry to hear your grandma has been cut off from her pouches! Does she have insurance? Most insurance will pay for a certain amount of pouches each month (I would be happy to help you find out about her insurance if you would like). If she does not have insurance she can pay out of pocket for her supplies on websites like Ostogroup. Your local WOCN may also have some insight about local places to purchase pouches. Please let me know if you need any assistance!
      Good luck!

  6. stopped to feed a homeless guy and to pray for him. he said he need colostomy bags. Do you know of a place in the Sacramento, CA area where i could get him a free supply of them for him?

    1. I would look up your local WOC Nurse (Wound, ostomy, continence nurse) and see if he or she has any donated supplies to give. Here is how you can find your local WOC Nurse.

      You are so kindhearted to want to help!

      Another possibility is to get him registered for Medi-Cal. He then could be signed up for a distributor to get his supplies. If he has any family with a permanent address the pouches can be sent there (I know some people on Skid Row in LA do this). I hope this helps.

  7. Want to know if someone needs ostomy supplies have approximately 1000 pouches and flanges convatec cannot afford to be shipping 90 pounds of supplires any help there please else they will becdisposed of in the trash. Thank you

  8. I am from the Central Jersey area. I have ostomy supplies that are no longer needed. I would like to donate to an organization that doesn’t charge those that cannot afford supplies. If I knew someone that could use them I would gladly give them to that person No Charge. Can someone please advise me. Thank You

    1. Hi, Silent Echo! There are many ostomy support groups in the Central New Jersey area, so if you use this site: and type in your zip code, you can find the nearest on to you. Call and ask them if you they’d be interested in your unused ostomy supplies. You are welcome to specify that you want to make sure they’re given away, not sold, but that is generally how it’s done. Thanks so much for reaching out! I’m sure the recipients will appreciate it. -Aimee, Shield HealthCare

  9. Hi, I volunteer at a nonprofit organization (GoodHealthwill) that collects donations of medical equipment and healthcare supplies — including tons of ostomy stuff! — and provides them to the public thrift store style at our warehouse locations in Colorado. GoodHealthwill also ships! Genelle Davis is the online sales and shipping coordinator for the nonprofit, and she can be reached at or 970-825-2540. We provide ostomy supplies for $5-15/box. You can find more info at and Thanks!

  10. Hi Laura,

    My Grandma just passed away and we are in the process of cleaning out her house. She has a few shelves full of ostomy supplies that we would love to donate but cannot find anywhere near us, the shipping of the products would be too much since there is a lot. Do you know of anywhere near Grand Rapids, MI that would take the donation?

    1. Hi Ms. Evans. Thank you for your question. We’re sorry to hear about the passing of your grandmother. If you head to this Find a Support Group site through, and type in your zip code, you can find the group nearest on to you. Call and ask them if you they’d be interested in the unused ostomy supplies. Thanks again for reaching out! -Aimee, Shield HealthCare

  11. If anyone needs a 30 day supply of bags or wafers, you can contact Convetec @ (866) 207-5909. They will provide a 30 day supply. They also sent me adhesive remover and or other samples. Im donating all mine on 11/28 to the local office. Jacksonville, Fl. Hope this helps someone. GodBless everyone dealing with thibeen there done it and its been horrible. Just remember you are not alone

  12. Does anyone have ostomy bags, ostomy skin repair cream and other useful ostomy supplies to donate? please help me. asap thank you!

    1. Hi Oyun. You may find Destini’s comment in this thread helpful. You can find it above, but she says: “If anyone needs a 30 day supply of bags or wafers, you can contact Convetec @ (866) 207-5909. They will provide a 30 day supply. They also sent me adhesive remover and or other samples.” Hope that helps! -Aimee, Shield HealthCare

  13. do you know of anywhere that accepts pediatric ostomy supplies in the omaha nebraska area? my grandson has an ostomy and iliostomy so we have quite a bit of unopened supplies.

  14. Hi Myrna…Coloplast and Convatec offer the Patient Assistance Program for people who are in need of ostomy supplies and dont have health insurance. Coloplast number is 877- 781- 2656. Convatec number is 800- 422- 8811.

  15. I have a lot of Hollister bags, powder, barrier rings, and no sting. I would like to donate in the Minneapolis MN area. But I am not finding anything here to drop off my items after my take down. thank you Lynn

  16. I also have a lot of ostomy supplies that we no longer need. I thank God everyday that my husband’s condition was reversible. Our insurance company paid for the supplies and we would like to donate them to someone or someplace that needs them. I did contact a place in Ann Arbor, Michigan and haven’t heard back. Do these places need them or not? I found the email under the UOAA, but got no response, not even a no. I’m still looking to get rid of this stuff or I’ll be throwing it all away, what a waste as I know they are expensive.

  17. Hi I have my father in law who lives in Amman Jordan in needs for colostomy supplies if there is any one has extra size 45 mm will be highly appreciated. I live in Sacramento ca so I can ship to him .

  18. Good Day! I am Naomi Enriquez from the Phillippines. I am humbly asking your help for my now 1 year old son who was born with OEIS, left renal agenesis and hydrocephalus. He had an ileostomy done when he was a day short of 3 months old and we are in need of ostomy supplies as it doesn’t come cheap and the cost of appliances here is equal to my husband’s average wage and therefore cannot afford it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. You may email me at Thank you!

  19. Desperate, Desperate,,my wife was diagnosed with stomchac and colon cancer and now she has an eliostomy done but the insurance doesn’t pay for those things, the bags we have ,which is only one left are two pieces that clip together from convetec , they work good on her, please help us with that and any other item related, 352-445-0295 is my number, thanks

  20. My name is Linda I am 33years survivor . When I had jobs that had insurance I did not have any problem in getting my ostomy supplies. But I am disable and I have been through the ringer with both private insurances that after applying with them I was shock to find the health I assurances they were ailing did not cover preexisting conditions. They had went as far as telling me that they do not cover preexisting period. Then I went to something called market place, they are government health insurance. Found out later after I gotten them that they do not cover preexisting conditions even though they are part of Kentucky suggested health insurance for elderly and disable. I called them asked them about all I need in order to live they said they do not cover any of it nor would they cover any of my doctors. I am waiting to see what kind of health insurance that will cover my doctors my meds my needs to stay alive. Please can you help me. I just need enough till November maybe January.

    1. Hi Kennedy. I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting supplies. Please follow this link to contact FOW-USA. I am hoping they can connect you with a support group or clinic in your area that can get you the supplies you need. I wish you the best. -Sarah, Shield HealthCare

  21. I from Huntington Beach, CA I have some medical supplies to donate but I can’t find anywhere in my area to donate. Thank you in advance for your help.

  22. I find it appalling that it is so difficult to find someone in a person’s local area to donate supplies to. I have called nursing homes and hospitals. The cost to ship is too much. I can’t believe there is NO ONE in my area that can’t afford supplies! WHY is it so difficult?

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