Mental Health with an Ostomy

Aimee Sharp
Author | Shield HealthCare
02/22/18  9:16 AM PST

While getting an ostomy can solve many of the physical challenges that made an ostomate sick, it does not instantly heal all the mental anguish the person went through before their surgery – and the surgery itself can be an issue they must grapple with. Shield HealthCare’s Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, Laura Cox, discusses the mental health challenges she faced before and after surgery, and how she’s learning to cope and handle the stress that comes with being an ostomate.

For more information, see related articles and resources here:

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?
Unfortunately, hernias can often occur following ostomy surgery.
We definitely recommend speaking to your surgeon about the issue, but additionally ...

Recent OstomyLife


  1. Thank you so much. I had Ostomy bag installed on July 3, 2018 as result of emergency surgery due to discovered Colon Cancer on July 3rd. This video is Verrrrrrry helpful.

    Sheila J.

  2. I am 3 weeks post op ostomy. I have a wound on my butt I’ve been dealing with for over a year. Finally this surgery was done to help the healing process. I’m scared to change the whole thing bc the rods r still in there & when I bump them it hurts real bad. Just the slightest touch hurts. I need to change it tho. I was hoping to get my pain script filled first but I’m having issues the way the Dr wrote it. This is so new to me… I’m not sure I can do it.

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