OstomyLife Home

Odor Management with an Ostomy

Odor Management with an Ostomy

Odor management with an ostomy seems to be a concern in the forefront of many people's minds. Here, Laura Cox, our Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, shares tips.

Laura Cox, LPC
OstomyLife with Laura Cox

Webinar: OstomyLife with Laura Cox

In this webinar, we introduce the Shield HealthCare community of OstomyLife with Laura Cox, and Laura talks tips for how to care for your stoma.

Laura Cox, LPC
FAQs about Ostomies

10 FAQs about Ostomies

Shield's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist answers some of the FAQs about Ostomies. Topics include relationships, bathing, traveling and more!

Laura Cox, LPC
exercise with an ostomy video

How to Exercise with an Ostomy Video

Shield HealthCare's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist is featured in this how to exercise with an ostomy video - learn about how to get started after surgery.

Laura Cox, LPC
exercise with an ostomy

How to Exercise with an Ostomy

We discuss how to exercise with an ostomy safely-reintegrating yourself into an exercise routine and how to stay healthy while doing it.

Laura Cox, LPC
Dressing with an Ostomy

Dressing with an Ostomy

When I first got my ostomy, I thought I was destined to wearing baggy T-shirts, but I was wrong. Dressing with an ostomy can be easy with the right tricks!

Laura Cox, LPC
Baby’s Colostomy Care

10 Tips for Your Baby’s Colostomy Care

In this article originally published on Preemie Babies 101, Bea Smith discusses her newborn son's colostomy care. Her son Caleb was born with VACTERL.

Aimee Sharp
Ostomy Inspiration

Ostomy Inspiration

We all have down days; sometimes a little inspiration can help lift our spirits.Your ostomy doesn't have to stop you from living a wonderful life.

Aimee Sharp
nutrition and your ostomy

Nutrition and Your Ostomy Video

In this video, Shield HealthCare's Registered Dietitian, Amy Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS, discusses nutrition and your ostomy, with many tips.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
colostomy or ileostomy nutrition

Nutrition and Your Ostomy

In this article, and the associated video, we're discussing nutrition and your ostomy after surgery and tips for your diet after ostomy surgery recovery.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
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Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
How can I keep my ostomy pouch dry while showering?
Karen H.
It’s not necessary to keep your pouch dry while showering if you have a waterproof barrier.
But, if having a wet system bothers you ...