July Webinar: OstomyLife with Laura Cox

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
06/23/15  10:35 PM PST

For anyone who missed this Ostomy FAQ webinar, or would like to watch it again, you can find the recorded version here.

As an ostomate since 2011, Laura is excited to share insight and advice from her personal perspective on the most frequently asked questions about living with an ostomy. Join Laura for this informative webinar with popular ostomy topics, such as:

  • Sleeping with an Ostomy
  • How to Dress with an Ostomy
  • Intimacy with an Ostomy

The webinar will include a 30 minute discussion on lifestyle-related topics followed by a 15-minute Q&A session with Laura Cox.

Laura looks forward to sharing her experience with you and answering your ostomy lifestyle questions. We hope you will join us for this live webinar, just for our ostomy community!

You can find our other upcoming and recorded ostomy webinars below:

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?|I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?
Unfortunately, hernias can often occur following ostomy surgery.
We definitely recommend speaking to your surgeon about the issue, but additionally ...

Recent OstomyLife


  1. Please email it to me also. I am 8 weeks into ostomy and could use some insight on helpful hints to deal with it.

  2. Will the professional webinar be posted too? My work phone doesn’t download webinar app. I registered for today webinar and now I can’t watch. I am on a vacation and will be on the road while webinar is on.

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