Spinal Cord Injury Home

Welcome to our Spinal Cord Injury Community! Meet Aaron Baker, Shield HealthCare’s Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist and recovering C4-5-6 complete quadriplegic. Aaron is also an athlete, ambassador, entrepreneur and father. Here you can find accurate and motivational information about acute and post-acute recovery, health and ongoing management of a Spinal Cord Injury. We hope you join us and explore our library of helpful resources. The possibilities are endless!

In a moment, your life changes. We’re here to support you through the many difficult moments in the recovery, rehabilitation, and rebuilding of your life. Explore Aaron’s many articles on learning to eat, walk, and move your body, pushing through limitations with the power of your mind.

Whether you’ve been living with your injury weeks, years, or even decades, there’s always something new to learn. From pain management and spastic bowels to sleeping, parenting, and accessible travel tips, there’s information for everyone living with permanent injury. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Ask Aaron!

From interviews to how-to’s, some things are best explained in person. Watch these videos for great tips from Aaron and other injury survivors. Are you looking to travel? Explore our Mobility in the City series, and see what accessible activities cities have to offer across the U.S.!

Self-Care Strategies for Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining mental health can often take a back seat to the laundry list of daily life tasks. However, managing your mental health contributes to your overall wellbeing and should be prioritized. Here are some strategies to help you nurture your mental health. Prioritize Sleep A lack of sleep can exacerbate stress,… Continue reading Self-Care Strategies for Mental Health

Aaron Baker
Adaptive Mountain Bikes

Adversity Into Adventure World Tour KICK OFF!

The Adversity Into Adventure World Tour kicked off on Monday, June 10th in Santa Monica, CA at the beginning of Route 66. With a mission to...

Aaron Baker
Disabilities and Addiction

Disabilities and Addiction

My family has a long history of substance abuse, and as someone who has a propensity to go BIG with everything I do, I am very aware of how one drink can turn into many drinks, which can turn into a habit of drinking. Alcohol is a social activity, a bonding tool, and an escape… Continue reading Disabilities and Addiction

Aaron Baker
adaptive winter sports

NBC Sports Disabled Talent Search

Do you like sports? Are you comfortable in front of the camera? Have you ever been interested in commentating or hosting? If you answered yes to all three questions, then you are in luck! NBC Sports and Making Space, a non-profit, have released a free on-demand training course designed to build an expansive list of… Continue reading NBC Sports Disabled Talent Search

Aaron Baker
colonoscopy for early detection and screening

Colonoscopies for Early Detection and Screening

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, which aims to highlight the importance of early detection and screening starting at the age 45. Although colorectal cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the US, it is one of the few cancers that is preventable with screening. I had my first colonoscopy at 39… one in… Continue reading Colonoscopies for Early Detection and Screening

Aaron Baker
smiling adult woman with spina bifiida, sitting in a wheelchair inside a professional building with an open laptop on her lap. Exploring health issues in adults with Spina Bifida

Living with Spina Bifida: Challenges for Adults

Common health issues in adults with Spina Bifida are stunt failure, high blood pressure, latex allergy, lung health, and...

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Wings for Life World Run May 2019 Aaron Baker

Disability and Relationships

Disability is not a burden, and ableism is not heroic. I recently saw a meme on Instagram that depicted two people holding hands – one in a wheelchair and the other standing. Over the person standing it reads “not a hero” and over the wheelchair user it says “not a burden”. It got me thinking,… Continue reading Disability and Relationships

Katelyn Devine Baker
family caregivers

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) For Minors

In-Home Supportive Services Make A Difference Providing specialized care for children with disabilities takes a mental, emotional, physical and financial toll on families. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) is a crucial aid that can calm the overwhelming process. When I was injured in 1999, I was no longer a minor and filed for IHSS services on… Continue reading In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) For Minors

Aaron Baker
Aaron biking across USA

Recovering Quadriplegic Wheels The World, Launches Foundation

Ride Around The World! Creating Life-Enhancing Opportunities for a Diverse-Abled™ World Adversity Into Adventure Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, officially launches with a mission to help others transform adversity into adventure led by founder, Aaron Baker, who will set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Baker, a recovering quadriplegic, will wheel, walk, and roll… Continue reading Recovering Quadriplegic Wheels The World, Launches Foundation

Aaron Baker
Mental and Behavioral Health Facility

Accessible Voting

Your Vote, Your Voice, Your Choice! It’s an election year, and it is more important than ever to get out and vote! Not just because of who the candidates may be, but because our local, state and federal representatives need to hear from us – the people who depend on curb cutouts, disabled parking spots,… Continue reading Accessible Voting

Aaron Baker
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I have c6 injury and I have lots of spasm in my whole body. What can you suggest to help?
I have found that consistent stretching, light exercise, plenty of water, quality food and rest all affect my spasticity.