Tools: Assistive Technology to Live Well with a Spinal Cord Injury

Aaron Baker
Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
04/09/19  3:00 PM PST
Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is a catch-all term that applies to products, equipment and systems that enhance working and daily living for people with different ability levels. Assistive technology helps people who have difficulty speaking, typing, writing, walking, and many other things. It includes everything from special-purpose computers, smartphones and smart homes to wheelchairs, and modified tools for the kitchen.

Scroll through this section to get an insight into the products that are available specifically for people with spinal cord injuries.

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I have been paralyzed from the waist down since 2013. I’ve been steadily gaining weight since then, and I’m starting to get self-conscious about it, especially since people already stare at me in my wheelchair. What are some exercises, things I can do to help me lose this extra weight?
Hi James! I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but it sounds like you're motivated to be as strong as possible. Good man! I also had a lean body before my injury. In my experience, nutrition and physical activity are the most effective ways to manage my weight. I have learned that by eating...


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