Mobility in the City Video Series

Aaron Baker
Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
08/23/19  8:47 AM PST
Mobility in the City

A Wheelchair Travel Video Series – Mobility in the City

Mo·bil·i·ty: The ability to move or be moved freely and easily… That is until you suffer a spinal cord injury.

Join myself and friends in this multi-episode, video blog series that highlights the use of public transportation as we navigate our way around major metropolitan cities aboard planes, trains, boats and automobiles. I explore it all from the seat of my wheelchair.

The purpose for creating our travel series is to empower our community with confidence, to seek out and experience their own city, despite injury, ailment, or physical impairment.  My mantra is: “Where there’s is a will, there is a way.”

May these videos inspire a sense of adventure and possibility despite adversity.


Find all our Mobility in the City videos below, with more to come!

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