Six Tips For A Productive Day

Aaron Baker
Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
08/12/21  7:22 PM PST
Blackboard or chalkboard

Back To School… Or Work

How many times have you heard it? “2020 has thrown me a curve ball” and 2021 has not been much different. The impact of COVID-19 has led to many variations of what a “typical” day entails. Whether you have switched to working from home, virtual learning for your children, or conference calls with your health care team – Our new way of day-to-day living has taken a new course of action.

Although I did not go into an office every day, my day-to-day work of travel and in-person interaction has been non-existent for the past year and a half. Additionally, I can now add “parent” to my job title and my daughter’s schedule takes precedence.

However, due to vaccines and regular testing, people seem to be getting into a groove. School’s are opening up again, face to face meetings are taking place and medical facilities are allowing for more office visits. In figuring out the new balance of in-person and virtual school and work flow there are certain things we can do to for productivity:

  1. Keep a Schedule

Many of us are not clocking in and out for work each day – Our bosses do not see our faces while walking the hallways, and our children are not being reminded of what period it is by the school bell. Starting each day and week with an outline for what tasks need to be accomplished will keep everyone in the household focused.

  1. Create Transitions

We are also used to being prompted during our day – “Don’t forget we have that meeting in 20 minutes” or “Class, it’s time to clean up before we have lunch”. Set a timer or reminder on our phone to be set up for success. Personally, I use my phone to remind myself 30 minutes before my next call or task, and I also use this table top timer while taking a break.

  1. Create Zones

It can be hard to motivate yourself when it’s easy to bring your laptop to the couch and have the TV on in the background. In creating a zone for the designated task, you have a place to go to. Whether you turn the dining room table into a desk, or make a picnic table in the backyard for your kid’s lessons, making a specific area will give everyone structure.

  1. Give Yourself a Break

Just like in school, your children (or yourself) need a “recess” break. Make sure to add those breaks into your day! Go for a 10 minute stroll in the neighborhood, let the kids play in the sprinklers or even get a chore done around the house.

  1. Incorporate Something New

Work and school can get monotonous, so add in a FUN day! It could be an educational visit to the library or zoo, or treat yourself to a lunch or coffee date with a co-worker.

  1. Breathe

In the end, not every day will go perfectly… So, take a moment and give yourself some grace! Take a deep breath and tackle the next day.


Please reach out anytime with questions, or comments below, or via the “Ask Aaron” feature. I love connecting with our community. Have a great day!


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