Tag Archive: adult incontinence

celebrities incontinence

Famous People with Incontinence

While some people may be reluctant to talk about their experience with incontinence, there are celebrities are doing their part to raise awareness.

Stephanie Struyck Elgin

Recorded Webinar: Living Well with Incontinence Video

Watch this recorded webinar - Addresses ways to reduce incontinence, and covers products and strategies for successful management including skin care.

Danny Nguyen
how common is incontinence

How Common is Incontinence?

How common is incontinence? According to the National Association for Continence (NAFC), it affects more than 25 million Americans.

Sarah McIlvaine
the relationship between incontinence and falls

The Relationship Between Incontinence and Accidental Falls

Incontinence can contribute to accidental falls. Learn more about the relationship between incontinence and accidental falls and how to prevent them.

Aimee Sharp
Diet and Incontinence

How Diet Affects Bladder Control

Although there is no special diet to cure incontinence, some foods and beverages may contribute to bladder leakage. Learn more about diet and incontinence.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS