This March, Charlie turns eight...And it’s only appropriate that it happens during Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, the month in which we celebrate all the Charlie has overcome and will continue to overcome.
The history of jazz has taught this mom about adaptaion, improvisation and leaning into opportunities that seem like mistakes.
Not only has yoga helped this mom with back pain, it has helped her become a better parent. Learning to calm her mind in moments of vulnerability is making her stronger then before.
For Charlie, visiting Santa was a tall order considering the noisy crowds and long wait time. That's until they discovered the sensory-friendly Santa.
Writing is activism in the best sense. It presents worlds with a cornucopia of multi-faceted characters, because no one is just one kind of person.
These stories are many, not few. For these drivers, carrying our children is not just a job. It’s a way to love the community.
Events just don’t happen without us. At the same time, we all wish and pray and work towards independence for our children.
Nike signs its first professional athlete with cerebral palsy and it’s a win for all of us. Parents of children with special needs: the sky's the limit.
When I think of autumn and what the cooler weather means for my disabled son, I worry about what might go wrong. But his adaptability never ceases to amaze.
As parents of a child with special needs, we all know it. That fear we all fear when our support system fails and we are parenting alone.