Parents often worry about what a new school year may bring. Here are tips for creating a positive classroom experience & successful school year.
Writing is activism in the best sense. It presents worlds with a cornucopia of multi-faceted characters, because no one is just one kind of person.
These stories are many, not few. For these drivers, carrying our children is not just a job. It’s a way to love the community.
So when I begin to hug my coffee tighter and fret over the future, this is my own goal, a personal IEP for Mom: I will...
Going back to school after a two month break can be overwhelming for any child. Use these strategies to be able to enjoy the end of the summer and the beginning of a new school year.
The biggest reason of all that we have bigger dreams for our children is simply that they have bigger dreams for themselves.
If you’re a mom, I’m going to take a leap and say that you’re pretty exhausted. Do you know why you’re exhausted? Because you’re taking care of everyone.
For kids with special needs, summer time represents transition, good or bad they are hard to handle. Learn 3 strategies to ease into your new summer routine.
LifeTown is a place where children can come to play, while learning how to live independently. It offers practice for life in a fun and safe environment.
Labels can get a bad rap when they’re applied to people. Ideally, we’d have a world where everyone is accepted as they are and neurodiversity and disabilities need no explanation.