Tag Archive: complex healthcare needs

complex medical mom

From a Complex Medical Mom: Letter to My Child’s Doctors

As a complex medical mom, when I know that my child matters to you, we trust and believe in you; and that, dear doctor, puts the magic into your treatment.

Alethea Mshar
IEP day

IEP (Individual Education Plan) Day: How to Prepare Video

It's IEP Day and you're stressing out. Take a deep breath and don't sweat it. With these video tips on how to prepare, you've got this.

Alethea Mshar
your child has a disability

To The Parent Who Just Found Out Your Child Has a Disability

To the parent who just found out your child has a disability, there are a few things I want to tell you that I wish I would have known all those years ago.

Alethea Mshar
child with disability

What Words Should We Use When We Talk About a Child With Disability?

All of a sudden, I’m hearing the term “special needs” questioned, so I did some soul-searching. What's the right way to refer to a child with disability?

Alethea Mshar
social worker

20 Ways a Social Worker Helped My Family

Social workers are a crucial resource for parents of children with disabilities. Here are 20 ways they've helped my family and how they might help yours.

Alethea Mshar
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