Tag Archive: deodorizer drops

skin barrier

Key Ostomy Products You Should Know About

Ostomy product technology has improved significantly in the last decade. With many available options, here are some highlights about key product types.

Laura Cox, LPC
ostomy concerns

I Don’t Want an Ostomy Bag – Top Concerns for Those Facing Ostomy Surgery

No one wants an ostomy bag. But Laura has one, and it hasn't stopped her from living & enjoying her life. Watch these top ostomy concerns get blown away.

Aimee Sharp
Ostomy Terms

Ostomy Terms Explained | Ostomy Glossary

New ostomy terminology can feel overwhelming! In order to explain, we’ve put together a glossary of ostomy terms in alphabetical order.

Laura Cox, LPC
Odor Management with an Ostomy

Odor Management with an Ostomy

Odor management with an ostomy seems to be a concern in the forefront of many people's minds. Here, Laura Cox, our Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, shares tips.

Laura Cox, LPC
Eliminate Ostomy Odor

Medication or Pills to Eliminate Ostomy Odor | Ask Laura

Laura Cox, an ostomate since 2011, gives tips for what someone can do to lessen or eliminate ostomy odor, with medication and deodorant drops.

Laura Cox, LPC

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.|For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.
The first thing I would suggest is to make sure you're drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
Drinking fluids will help make stool less sticky ...