Tag Archive: exercising

exercise with an ostomy

How to Exercise with an Ostomy

We discuss how to exercise with an ostomy safely-reintegrating yourself into an exercise routine and how to stay healthy while doing it.

Laura Cox, LPC
exercise with an ostomy video

How to Exercise with an Ostomy Video

Shield HealthCare's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist is featured in this how to exercise with an ostomy video - learn about how to get started after surgery.

Laura Cox, LPC
Swimming with an Ostomy

Swimming with an Ostomy

The idea of submerging your new ostomy in water can sound scary. But with the correct supplies, swimming with an ostomy can be a fun, carefree experience!

Laura Cox, LPC

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.|For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.
The first thing I would suggest is to make sure you're drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
Drinking fluids will help make stool less sticky ...