Tag Archive: Ostomate

I’d Never Trade My Diagnosis For a Clean Bill of Health

Ulcerative colitis and ostomy surgery completely changed me. It changed my very nature. In a way ostomy surgery corrected my path.

Kelsey Scarborough

My Story of Becoming an Ostomate

While the answers to common questions may be helpful for new ostomates, it leaves out important things that people may need to hear.

Kelsey Scarborough

Will My Friends Still Like Me After Ostomy Surgery?

Having ostomy surgery is scary for many reasons. It creates this new lifestyle that you must adapt to. For some, this is a welcomed change.

Kelsey Scarborough

World Ostomy Day 2018

October 6th is World Ostomy Day – a day dedicated to improving rehabilitation of ostomates worldwide by educating the global community on their needs and aspirations.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
ostomy discussion

OstomyLife Roundtable Discussion Webinar with Laura Cox & Special Guests

4 leaders in the ostomy community answer questions & support new ostomates, as well as providing insight for health care professionals.

Laura Cox, LPC
ostomy questions

Webinar Video: OstomyLife with Laura Cox

In this recorded ostomy webinar, Laura Cox answers ostomy questions like how to dress with an ostomy, how to sleep comfortably with an ostomy and more.

Aimee Sharp

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
How do you explain what an ostomy is to someone?
Andy S.
Explaining what an ostomy is and what it does is not always the easiest task.
I usually assess the situation and the person or people I’m talking to before determining how I’m going to explain what an ostomy is...