Tag Archive: ostomies

College with an Ostomy

What’s It Like Being In College With An Ostomy?

In this article by Amy Oestreicher for ULoop.com, she talks about the stresses of college with the added stress of having a stoma, and making both work.

Aimee Sharp

What is Shield HealthCare’s OstomyLife Community?

Shield Healthcare has created a dedicated group, OstomyLife to provide resources, support and a sense of community to people living with an ostomy. 

Laura Cox, LPC

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
My 89-year-old mother loves to swim but she has found that the pouch fills with water when she gets into the pool. What can we do to fix this?
We recently had someone reach out to our Facebook community with a similar question, and several of our OstomyLife community members responded with their own advice.
Hopefully you and your mother will find their answers helpful ...