Tag Archive: ostomy 101

stoma assessment

Webinar: Ostomy 101 — Five Key Steps for an Accurate Stoma Assessment

In this recorded webinar, you can learn how to identify clinical characteristics assessed during a stomal and peristomal skin assessment.

Sarah McIlvaine
What is an Ostomy

What is an Ostomy? | Ostomy 101

What is an ostomy and why is it needed? An ostomy is a surgical operation that creates a new outside opening for body wastes. The opening is called a stoma.

Gina Flores

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?|I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?
Unfortunately, hernias can often occur following ostomy surgery.
We definitely recommend speaking to your surgeon about the issue, but additionally ...