As a parent of a child with special needs, you know how difficult budgeting around insurance deductibles can be. Here are 3 freebies you may not know about.
I’ve learned to be that parent and to do it with a smile, to trust my gut and never agree to anything that makes me queasy. I have become a parent advocate.
Parents often worry about what a new school year may bring. Here are tips for creating a positive classroom experience & successful school year.
Our Down syndrome awareness has grown up right along with our son, and it will keep on growing and changing.
So when I begin to hug my coffee tighter and fret over the future, this is my own goal, a personal IEP for Mom: I will...
Events just don’t happen without us. At the same time, we all wish and pray and work towards independence for our children.
We want our son to enjoy the world, and for the world to enjoy him, and for now, we see ABA therapy as the most effective way for that to happen.
Last month, I was sitting in my dermatologist’s office, kicking my heels against the exam chair and wondering how I could possibly be back here for the third time in a year. The answer is fairly obvious, however, when I study myself in the mirror. I am the pale, freckled result of generations of Scots… Continue reading After Being Diagnosed with Skin Cancer, I’m Doing Everything I Can to Prevent it from Happening Again
Whether I want to swallow my pride and accept, or even ask for help is a mute point anyway. I have a family to consider...
You may find your anxiety is being triggered by the day’s events, or what you still need to accomplish before the day’s end for yourself, your family, your job, or all three. That anxiety experience is real and it sometimes triggers a more intense anxiety response when something isn’t going as you planned. And let’s… Continue reading Coping Strategies When Struggling with PTSD