Tag Archive: parenting

prevent illness in children with special needs

How to Prevent Illness in Children with Special Needs

Children with special needs are vulnerable to illness, especially during winter. Help protect them with a little kindness and consideration this season.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
complex medical needs

My Baby with Complex Medical Needs: A Mom’s Story

If your baby is born with complex medical needs, you’re not alone. There are other parents going through something similar. One mother tells her story.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
hospital admission

10 Things to Bring on a Hospital Admission with Your Child with Special Needs

A hospital admission for your child with special needs is scary and exhausting. Plan ahead and know what to take with you to reduce stress on your family.

Alethea Mshar
spina bifida niños con espina bífida

Embracing Spina Bifida: A Mother’s Story

My story begins 15 years ago when my son Enrique was born and 6 years ago when I adopted my daughter Jiya. Both children were born with Spina Bifida...

Gina Flores
second opinion

How to Get a Second Opinion for Your Child with Special Needs

Seeking a second opinion for your child with complex medical needs? This savvy mom shares tips on how to get a second opinion without unnecessary delays.

Alethea Mshar
Kindness for Special Needs Parents

Kindness for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Getting a special needs child out of the house for a simple outing is hard enough for parents. Here's how to show kindness for special needs parents.

Amy Noelle Collen
Parents of Special Needs Children

Self-Care for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Parents of special needs children are at high risk for stress, burnout, fatigue and depression. Practice good self-care to be the best parent you can be.

Alethea Mshar
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