Tag Archive: peristomal hernia

When to Contact Your Doctor

When to Contact Your Doctor with Stoma Complications or Peristomal Skin Issues

It’s important to know what your healthy stoma and peristomal skin look like. There are some symptoms to watch for. Find a list for each in this article.

Laura Cox, LPC
Peristomal Hernia

Peristomal Hernia | Ask Laura

Shield HealthCare's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist answers questions about a peristomal hernia. Are they normal? What can I do about them?

Laura Cox, LPC
exercise with an ostomy

How to Exercise with an Ostomy

We discuss how to exercise with an ostomy safely-reintegrating yourself into an exercise routine and how to stay healthy while doing it.

Laura Cox, LPC

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Hey Laura, I’m a new ostomate and just got the clearance from my doctor to resume a regular diet. Any tips for things I should watch out for?
Hi Susan, Excellent question!
I would say there are three important things you can do to reduce your risk of problems when returning to a more normal diet...