Tag Archive: Sleep

You Are NOT Alone – Parents of Children with Special Needs Suffering from PTSD

Parenting a child with special needs is a tough job. Take the time to check in with yourself and take comfort in knowing you are not alone in this journey.

Dr. Liz Matheis

When Sleep Is Elusive

My first child, who is developmentally typical, slept eight hours at a stretch by the time she was a month old. Having achieved sleep guru status, I declared myself “Supermom,” and assumed that I could solve the problems of every parent and every child for whom sleep didn’t occur so readily. Fast-forward twenty years and… Continue reading When Sleep Is Elusive

Alethea Mshar
special needs parents

10 Things That Parents of Children with Special Needs Never Take For Granted

Without any special training, special needs parents jump into this whole new world and make incredible things happen on behalf of our children.

Alethea Mshar
Ileostomy Output

Ileostomy Output | Ask Laura

Laura answers a question about how to slow down ileostomy output during the night. This enables people with frequent output to get a better night sleep.

Laura Cox, LPC
Nature May Promote Sleep in Seniors

Nature May Promote Sound Sleep in Seniors

Nature May Promote Sleep In Seniors: New research suggests that seniors and men reported better rest when they had access to beaches, parks...

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Sleeping with an Ostomy

Sleeping with an Ostomy Video

In this video Laura takes us through different positions for sleeping with an ostomy. She discusses pain reduction and many other helpful tips!

Laura Cox, LPC