Tag Archive: Ulcerative Colitis

J-pouch surgery

J-Pouch Surgery for Ulcerative Colitis

J-pouches are commonly used in the treatment of the IBD disease, ulcerative colitis, when medication management is not available.

Kelsey Scarborough
Ostomy hacks

Featured OstomyLife Community Members Wanted

Our OstomyLife community has been growing rapidly! We want to get to know our amazing community members! Send us your story so we can share your stories!

Laura Cox, LPC
Laura Cox

About Laura Cox, Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist

Get to know Shield HealthCare's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist as Laura Cox shares her story and encourages a happy, healthy, full life with an ostomy.

Laura Cox, LPC

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Now that summer is here, may I swim in a pool? If so, will my ostomy bag be affected by chlorine in the water?
Hi! You may swim in a pool!
If your ostomy flange has a waterproof barrier you can go in the pool without any additional products. If your ostomy flange does not have a waterproof barrier...