Shield HealthCare Review: Praise From A Quadriplegic Customer

Gina Flores
Caregiver Advocate | Shield HealthCare
12/14/11  5:02 PM PST

Special thanks to Alex in Sacramento, California for taking the time to give a Shield HealthCare review and express his appreciation for us providing his urological supplies that help him live comfortably at home.

Alex wrote, “… I am a high level quadriplegic C-5 spinal injury. I have suffered this condition for over 25 years, since the age of 19 when I was in a motorcycle accident. For the past quarter of a century, I have been watched over and cared for by my widowed mother … and I have been shielded by Shield. I am writing to tell you of my great thanks and ask that you never change your name. There is a world of people like myself homebound, bedbound … and totally unaware of your company’s services. Wherein my quality of life has truly been diminished, my condition of life has greatly improved thanks to Shield HealthCare. This letter is from one person such as myself but think of the thousands in the same predicament as I, who have no one to write to and express their thanks. Thank you again for your sincere concern and compassion.”

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