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Urology Center

New Urology Center to Open Near St. Joseph Hospital

In this Bellingham Hearld article, learn about the new urology center - a one-stop shop for urology needs, with a full-service clinic and a surgical center.

Aimee Sharp
Ostomy Terms

Overview of the GI Tract Before and After Ostomy Surgery

What is an ostomy and why is it needed? An ostomy is a surgical operation that creates a new outside opening for body wastes. The opening is called a stoma.

Laura Cox, LPC
Neurogenic Bladder

How to Manage a Neurogenic Bladder

Learning to manage a neurogenic bladder and its erratic function can prove to be one of the biggest challenges of recovery from a spinal cord injury.

Aaron Baker
self-catheterization travel kits

How to Safely Catheterize in a Public Restroom | Ask Aaron

In this question for our Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist, John wants to know about how to use a self-catheter kit in a public restroom.

Aaron Baker
Prostate Cancer

Treat Older Prostate Cancer Patients According to Fitness, Not Age: Guidelines

Originally published on Fox News: learn why new guidelines say that the men's treatment should be based on their individual health status, not on their age.

Aimee Sharp
Catheter problems

Video & Slides: Troubleshooting Issues with Catheters Webinar

Urinary catheters for patients come with a number of challenges and risks. This webinar will cover how to solve catheter problems.

Aimee Sharp
urinary tract infections

Why are Urinary Tract Infections Such a Big Deal for the Elderly?

By Stacey Burling, Staff Writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer For many young women, urinary tract infections are an occasional annoyance. They cause a few painful hours and many trips to the bathroom, but are soon dispatched with medication. But they are something else again for the elderly. They send millions of women – and men – to… Continue reading Why are Urinary Tract Infections Such a Big Deal for the Elderly?

Aimee Sharp
Indwelling Catheters

Indwelling Catheters (Foley Catheters)

An indwelling catheter (also know as a Foley catheter, because that is the type most often used) is a  catheter that stays inside the body during its use. This is how it differs from external catheters (such as condom catheters or female external catheters), which remain completely outside the body, or intermittent catheters, which are… Continue reading Indwelling Catheters (Foley Catheters)

Aimee Sharp
2016 paralympics

2016 Paralympics

The 2016 Paralympics stories were great this year! Learn more about Aaron Baker's tough road to trying to find some Paralympic glory.

Aimee Sharp

Urological Insights Newsletter – Volume 2

Don’t miss the latest Urological Newsletter with important information from our urological experts! This issue focuses on spinal cord injury and more.

Paul Leary
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