Monthly Archive: February 2016

Bladder Retraining

Bladder Retraining for Bladder Control

Bladder retraining is a type of behavior therapy you can do at home to improve your bladder control and decrease the urge to empty your bladder.  

Laura Cox, LPC

Follow These Top 10 Nutrition Tips for Good Health

This National Nutrition Month®, take a step toward your healthiest you by adding one or more of these top 10 nutrition tips to your daily routine. 

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
medicare fraud

Medicare Fraud: CMS Announces Increase in Site Visits

CMS has announced in a February 22nd blog post that it will be increasing its frequency of site visits, part of ongoing measures against Medicare fraud. 

Sarah McIlvaine
Eating Healthy When Eating Out

Tips For Eating Healthy When Eating Out

Enjoying a meal out doesn't have to ruin your good eating habits. Make smart choices to stay on track and stay healthy.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
GROW with Shield HealthCare

Introducing GROW with Shield HealthCare

GROW with Shield HealthCare is a pediatric program addressing the physical, emotional and social needs of children with special needs and their families. 

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Incontinence Webinar

Managing Fecal and Urinary Incontinence Webinar Video and Supplemental Material

Find the video and the presentation slides for Shield HealthCare's Managing Fecal and Urinary Incontinence Webinar, presented by Jeff Souza, RN, BSN, WOCN.

Aimee Sharp
Cranberries Help Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberries Help Urinary Tract Infections, But Not as Juice

Do cranberries help urinary tract infections? Research shows dashing out for a bottle of cranberry juice when a UTI hits may not be so helpful after all...

Aimee Sharp
Shield HealthCare University

Advance your Career with Courses from Shield HealthCare University!

With the new Shield HealthCare University online courses, we can share our high-quality continuing education with you - no matter where you are.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Colorado Health

Colorado Health Report Card: Better Grades For Kids, Less So For Seniors

Colorado improved its prenatal and early-childhood health indicators in the past year but slipped in its care for seniors ...

Aimee Sharp
Crab Shell Bandages

Crab Shell Bandages To Be Sold In U.K.

Researchers in the UK have discovered a way to get a healing mineral from crustacean shells into a wound dressing. Crab shell bandages could soon be on...

Aimee Sharp
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