Monthly Archive: August 2016

More Moms Are Breastfeeding

More Moms Are Breastfeeding — But Not for Long Enough

In this article originally published on NBC News, author Maggie Fox looks into recent statistics that find that more moms are breastfeeding.

Aimee Sharp
child with special needs

How to Make a Care Manual for Your Child with Special Needs

Having multiple caregivers for your child with special needs takes a lot of communication and teamwork. Here's how to create a care manual for your child.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Mother with dementia madre con demencia

The Blessing of Caring for My Mother with Dementia

In this story, a daughter writes about how she enjoys being able to care for her mother with dementia, who raised eight children and provided for them.

Gina Flores
Nerve Pain

Nerve Pain | Spinal Cord Injury

Shield HealthCare's Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist discusses different types of nerve pain and gives tips on how to cope with it.

Aaron Baker
Educación especial

Educación especial: Las mamás comparten recomendaciones útiles

Educación especial: Las mamás comparten recomendaciones útiles- Los niños con capacidades diferentes suelen necesitar servicios y programas...

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
la depresión del cuidador

Cómo abordar la depresión del cuidador

El cuidador sacrifica muchas cosas a fin de cuidar a un ser querido o paciente. A menudo, pasa tanto tiempo cuidando a un paciente que olvida que debe...

Gina Flores
hidratación con una ostomía

Hidratación con una ostomía

La hidratación con una ostomía puede resultar difícil para algunas personas. Quisiera presentarle algunos líquidos, alimentos y recomendaciones...

Laura Cox, LPC
Nadar con una ostomía

Nadar con una ostomía

Nadar con una ostomía: La idea de sumergir su nueva ostomía en el agua puede sonar escalofriante. Pensar que puede producirse un derrame en la piscina...

Laura Cox, LPC
will medicare pay

Judge Orders Medicare To Clarify When It Will Pay For Rehab And Skilled Nursing

In this article originally published by Forbes, Howard Gleckman tries to determine the answer to what will Medicare pay for when it comes to rehab.

Aimee Sharp
Alzheimer's patient

A Guide to Managing Your Dementia / Alzheimer’s Patient: Video and Slides

In this webinar, you can learn the difference between various types of dementias, along with which ones may be reversed.

Aimee Sharp
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