Monthly Archive: April 2019

Incontinence Care

Treating Incontinence in Women with Osteoporosis

Many women with osteoporosis also suffer from incontinence. A Canadian clinical trial has found that simple pelvic floor muscle training can significantly reduce leakage episodes.

Aimee Sharp
Accidents Happen

Accidents Happen

Preparing for an Incontinence Episode For the most part, the human body is a wonder of nature, a miraculous marvel of bio-mechanical intelligence. But it can also sometimes create an utter catastrophe of unintended dysfunction. One of the most private natural functions of the body is eliminating waste. This normal act can easily become one… Continue reading Accidents Happen

Aaron Baker
Flow Rate

Gravity Feeding: How to Determine and Set Appropriate Flow Rate

Gravity tube feeding is a feeding method that relies on gravity instead of a pump. Learn how to set appropriate flow rate for your home feeds.

Cassandra Bursma, RD
close up of arm on a table or desk, attached to a digital home blood pressure device. Blood pressure shows 120 over 80, showing lower risk of stroke.

Heart Health: Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a condition in which the pressure of blood on the walls of our arteries is too high. Learn how to reduce your risk.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
spring produce

Spring Eats: Seasonal Produce & Recipes

Eating seasonally not only provides consumers with the healthiest and freshest produce, it supports local farmers and benefits the environment.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
Assistive Technology

Tools: Assistive Technology to Live Well with a Spinal Cord Injury

Assistive technology is a catch-all term that applies to products, equipment and systems that enhance daily living for people with different ability levels.

Aaron Baker
La dieta DASH

The DASH Diet for Heart Health

With a focus on whole foods, low sodium, healthy fats, and lean protein, the DASH diet was developed to treat chronic disease.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
Child’s IEP

4 Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s IEP Annual Review Meeting

Annual review season is here, and your child’s meeting is probably already on your schedule. As a former School Psychologist on the Child Study Team (CST), I know that annual review meetings are coming, which means you need to get ready to make the most of this important Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. For some, this… Continue reading 4 Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s IEP Annual Review Meeting

Dr. Liz Matheis
Bladder Condition

Promising Treatment for Bladder Condition

By Andy Winnegar | For The New Mexican While I was sitting through a meeting in Albuquerque 25 years ago, something shifted in back. I couldn’t stand up straight and I could barely walk. I had to crawl out of my chair and hobble to my car for the drive back to Santa Fe. A… Continue reading Promising Treatment for Bladder Condition

Aimee Sharp
Ostomy Pouch Leaks

Ostomy Pouch Leaks

Leaks … *sigh*. If there is one thing that makes many people hate their stoma, it’s leaking. Read tips that can help you limit pouch leaking.

Kelsey Scarborough
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