Showing results for: kegel
Los ejercicios de Kegel fortalecen los músculos (llamados suelo pélvico) que sostienen la vejiga, el útero y el intestino grueso. Estos ejercicios fueron desarrollados a mediados del siglo XX por el Dr. Arnold H. Kegel, un ginecólogo estadounidense, como una forma no quirúrgica de prevenir las pérdidas de orina. Un suelo pélvico fuerte puede ayudar… Continue reading Guía paso a paso para realizar los ejercicios de Kegel
Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles – called the pelvic floor – that support your bladder, uterus, and bowel (large intestine). These exercises were developed in the mid-20th century by Dr. Arnold H. Kegel, an American gynecologist, as a nonsurgical way to prevent people from leaking urine. A strong pelvic floor can help individuals who have… Continue reading Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Kegel Exercises
You know that feeling when you get home, put the key in the door, and you get that sudden urge to urinate? You squeeze, tell yourself to hold it, cross your legs tightly, run to the toilet and _____. You fill in the blank. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “The Key in the… Continue reading Kegel Exercises to Stop Urine Leaks
Kegel exercises: one of the few exercises you can (safely) do while waiting at a red light! “Kegels” are the name for an exercise that strengthens your pelvic floor muscles. Your pelvic floor muscles are responsible for the tightening of the urethra, anus and the vagina. There are also sphincters for both the urethra and… Continue reading How to Do Kegel Exercises (And Why They’re Important)
What is the Bladder? The bladder is a ballon-like hollow organ that collects and holds urine created by our kidneys. Urine contains the waste and fluids that remain after our body takes what it needs from what we eat and drink. The bladder is one of those body parts that we often don’t think about… Continue reading Eight Tips for Bladder Health
Women experiencing urinary incontinence should know that they aren't alone and that management techniques and treatments are available.
La incontinencia urinaria se puede tratar de manera efectiva haciendo algunos cambios en su estilo de vida, incluida la limitación de la cafeína, el alcohol, la dieta y más.
Urinary incontinence can be effectively treated by making some changes to your lifestyle including limiting caffeine, alcohol, diet and more.
En estos consejos sobre la incontinencia, cubrimos hablar con su médico, dieta, peso, ejercicios de Kegel, fugas, e vergüenza.
In these expert tips about incontinence, we cover speaking with your doctor, diet, weight, kegel exercises, leakage, embarrassment, and UTIs.