OstomyLife Home

Shield HealthCare Sponsors Teen Ostomate for 2012 Summer Youth Rally Camp

A young ostomate is about to have an exciting summer camp experience at the Youth Rally, made possible by a corporate sponsorship from Shield HealthCare.

Gina Flores
Coping After Ostomy Surgery cirugía de ostomía

Coping After Ostomy Surgery

Coping after ostomy surgery is understandably a major adjustment for both the ostomate and the caregiver. Use these tips to help adjust!

Gina Flores

Safe n’ Simple Ostomy Products Now Available at Shield HealthCare

Shield HealthCare is pleased to offer the latest Safe n' Simple products to better serve the skin care needs of customers managing an ostomy.

Gina Flores
Tips for Stoma Care

Helpful Tips For Everyday Stoma Care

Whether you're new or experienced at managing your stoma that resulted from a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy, these helpful tips for stoma care may help.

Gina Flores

Video: Great Comebacks From Ostomy Surgery

Experience these ostomates darkest and most rewarding moments through the road to recovery and positive new beginnings after ostomy surgery.

Gina Flores
Medicare Coverage of Ostomy Supplies

Medicare Coverage of Ostomy Supplies

Managing an ostomy at home involves ordering an assortment of products and accessories, and knowing what to expect is helpful.

Gina Flores
Ostomy Products

Ostomy Products | Options

Generally, a person with an ostomy has no voluntary control over the flow of output. There are many different options for ostomy products.

Gina Flores
What is an Ostomy

What is an Ostomy? | Ostomy 101

What is an ostomy and why is it needed? An ostomy is a surgical operation that creates a new outside opening for body wastes. The opening is called a stoma.

Gina Flores
Ostomy Support Groups

UOAA Ostomy Support Groups

Ostomy support groups are a great way to educate yourself about how to live a full and meaningful life with your new ostomy. Read more here.

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Resources

Links to More Ostomy Resources

Shield HealthCare provides a list of links to ostomy resources that are relevant, reliable and positive. Follow the links to learn more about ostomies.

Gina Flores
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Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?|I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?
Unfortunately, hernias can often occur following ostomy surgery.
We definitely recommend speaking to your surgeon about the issue, but additionally ...