As parent and primary caregiver of a complex child, you know your child best. Trust your gut and question the professionals when you need to.
As parents of a child with special needs, we all know it. That fear we all fear when our support system fails and we are parenting alone.
For my family, balance is not a reasonable aspiration. Instead I’ll seek to triumph in the highs and rebound from the lows of this teeter totter life.
The birds and the bees …oh geez, do we really have to go there? Yes, we do. Our children with special needs are still kids who are hungry for information.
As special needs parents, advocate, independence, and empathy are three vital words to our children’s lives. But I would like to add one more.
A good social story helps us teach our two sons with Down syndrome many of the social nuances that don’t come easily to them.
Depending on the age and disability of your special need child, you may have to limit what you share about catastrophic events.
As a special needs parent, I’ve had to train myself to put down that Magic Eight Ball. I’ve had to stop asking all the “what-ifs” over and over again.
My daughter is the only non-disabled child in our family. Her needs may be different from that of her special needs siblings, but they are still very real.
I needed movement for stress relief more than ever when my son was born with a physical disability. But how could I go for a run with a child with a trach?