Fostering Medically Fragile Children

Driven by their shared calling and desire to make a difference beyond the hospital walls, Victor and Carol, made a life-altering decision to foster.

Jessie Varela, RDN, LDN
mother leans over and gently confronts teen daughter who is sitting in front of her school work playing on her phone. how to stop being the people pleasing parent.

How to Stop Being the People-Pleasing Parent

As parents, many of us are ready to listen for and read the body cues of our children to anticipate their needs. Part of this is perfectly normal. We grew these little people inside our bodies and have agreed to raise them until they are fully-grown creatures who are able to make their own decisions… Continue reading How to Stop Being the People-Pleasing Parent

Dr. Liz Matheis
anxious girl sitting in the back of a middle school classroom, with her head in her hand. Managing post Covid long anxiety in our children

Guiding Our Children Through Post-Covid Long Anxiety

Here we are, almost 3 years post the COVID-19 virus pandemic that shut down our world instantly and provided new perspective about many of the parts of life that we took for granted. We temporarily lost the freedom to leave our home without protection or worry, to freely interact with others, and to move around… Continue reading Guiding Our Children Through Post-Covid Long Anxiety

Dr. Liz Matheis
helping your empathetic child manage big feelings. mother comforting son with his head in his hands.

Helping Your Empathic Child Manage Big Feelings

I don’t know about you, but in my house, my children and I feel BIG. As an empath who has 3 empathic children, our interactions and emotional experiences are a bit more intense than most. Dr. Judy Orloff defines an empathic person as one who is deeply in tune with the feelings of others in… Continue reading Helping Your Empathic Child Manage Big Feelings

Dr. Liz Matheis
boy in wheelchair in skating rink. nothing lasts, that doesn't mean it's not worth doing.

It Was Good While It Lasted

Nothing lasts. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. All my twins wanted for their ninth birthday was a party at the skate center. They begged me. They bribed me (with gummy worms I purchased for them at Walgreens). They promised to clean their room forever. I grew up having parties at the very same… Continue reading It Was Good While It Lasted

Jamie Sumner
nutritional support for children with developmental delay

Nutritional Support for Children with Developmental Delays

Note for Healthcare Professionals: Have you recently diagnosed or treated a patient with developmental delay or several delays? As part of a treatment plan, you may be asking your patient’s caregivers to closely monitor the child’s nutrition intake. Below is an explanation of what to expect, geared towards families of a newly-diagnosed child. You have… Continue reading Nutritional Support for Children with Developmental Delays

Sheila Mihalik
busting the myth of summer

Busting the Myth of Summer

I was this many years old when I realized the saying is “you’ve got another think coming,” not “you’ve got another thing coming.” Did you know this? Did everyone but me know this? I felt like I’d been walking around in an inside out shirt for decades. It’s like singing the lyrics to your favorite… Continue reading Busting the Myth of Summer

Jamie Sumner
mom guilt. silhouette of a depressed mom struggling with guilt.

What’s Behind Mom-Guilt?

What’s Behind Mom Guilt? Mom Guilt. Ugh. It comes with the territory of being a mom. But why? Why is it so ingrained in us, as parents and as moms, to care with every ounce of our soul, until our physical battery is at 0% – and yet we still feel guilty?  How many moms… Continue reading What’s Behind Mom-Guilt?

Dr. Liz Matheis
five senses

Using the Five Senses to Calm

There is a technique in trauma therapy that calls upon the five senses when hurt or the memory of past hurt becomes too overwhelming. It’s so simple it feels almost impossible to be a thing that works. But in my own experience, it’s often the simplest methods that do the trick. Like setting out running… Continue reading Using the Five Senses to Calm

Jamie Sumner
summer activities for wheelchair users

20 Summer Activities for Wheelchair Users

Summer is wonderful if you’re a kid! Freedom to sleep in, let your backpack gather dust under a heap of dirty clothes also gathering dust, eat leftover pizza at ten a.m., eat ice cream at midnight. It’s bliss. It’s also a lot of long hours to fill if you are a wheelchair-user and school was… Continue reading 20 Summer Activities for Wheelchair Users

Jamie Sumner
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