Happy Father’s Day to the father of my child with special needs. Our vows had the "in sickness and in health" part - and it wound up applying to our child.
I am on my couch, Googling “travel backpack-special needs-forty plus pounds.” We are - deep breath - taking a family vacation to Colorado in July.
As I watched my son get ready for prom that morning, my feelings were mixed. My son was over the moon about his big day, but I had other thoughts.
Until we began to carve out our home to make it accessible to our son with cerebral palsy, I did not know I could plan his path to freedom.
People seem to see my child’s disability first, him as a human being second. I have a desire to engender understanding on behalf of my child.
Our Autism Awareness Month featured caregiver story was written by Daren S., who shares his experience with Benny on the playground making friends:
Performing any medical procedure on your child can be stressful for all concerned. Swapping out your child's g-tube for a replacement is no exception.
We hadn’t even made it to the Target toy section when he laughed and cupped his hands together to sign “more.” He was looking at an ad of a boy in a walker.
Gloria G. is from California, and was one of forty finalists chosen out of the over 1,000 entries to our “What Advice Would You Give to a Fellow Caregiver?” Contest. You can find our grand prize and runner up winners here. What advice would you give a fellow caregiver? Advice for soothing a crying medically fragile… Continue reading Caregiver Contest Finalist Gloria: Soothing Medically-Fragile Children
A special needs mom can feel invisible and exhausted -- making a special day set aside to appreciate her especially meaningful.