Tube Feeding Support

Registered Dietitians
01/22/21  11:33 AM PST
Tube Feeding Support

Since 1957, Shield HealthCare has been helping people with a need for disposable medical products live comfortably at home. Our nutrition program provides specialized support and products to help keep patients with complex health care needs at home and thriving with their families. We focus on caregiver support to promote healthy development and well-being.

If you are a health care professional, we invite you to contact your local Shield HealthCare sales office to discuss your patient’s needs with a representative.

Shield HealthCare Registered Dietitians

What do Shield HealthCare’s Registered Dietitians Do for You?

    • Coordinate directly with the multidisciplinary healthcare team to meet nutrition goals
    • Close the gap in nutrition care between the hospital and home
    • Translate nutrition evidence into expert patient care
    • Help keep patients healthy in the home
    • And more!

Free Tube Feeding Guides

We are pleased to offer our Adult and Pediatric Tube Feeding Guides for free. These guides provide comprehensive information about tube feeding, including how to care for your tube and the skin around it, how to deliver feedings and how to prevent common complications. This information does not replace the advice of your healthcare professionals.

Request your free copy now!

Bonding with Your Tube Fed Baby

bond with your baby while tube feeding

Four Strategies to Bond with Your Baby While Tube Feeding

Getting the news that you cannot breast or bottle feed your child can be difficult to hear. It can make you feel lonely, worried, and heartbroken. But even though you may not be able to nourish your child as you planned…
Click here for the full article.


Tube Fed Child

A Mother’s Perspective: Bonding With Your Tube Fed Child

Julie Bombacino, CEO and co-founder of Real Food Blends, discovered her passion and new career path after learning her child needed a gastrostomy tube. While working through the initial shock and becoming acclimated to their new way of feeding…
Click here to read more.


Tube Feeding Finally Made Food Fun

Three days after my son, Charlie, began tube feeding, we fled to the beach. The ocean in October was exactly what we needed after seven months of fighting to eat…
Click here to continue reading.



Helpful Links

DISCLAIMER: This information is designed for customer use only and does not represent the advice of a medical health professional. Please contact your doctor for explicit advice on your prescription and/or feeding program.

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