Meet Your OstomyLife Community

Aimee Sharp
Author | Shield HealthCare
09/20/18  10:13 PM PST

Our OstomyLife community began with just one person: Laura Cox. We brought her onto our team in 2014 after viewing her videos on YouTube, which she began making shortly after her ileostomy surgery in 2011. From there, Laura introduced us to people who had reached out to her, people she was influenced by and ostomates who had an online presence. We’re so happy to be constantly expanding our community! In 2018, we brought on our OstomyLife co-moderator, Kelsey Scarborough, to help us get more perspectives, and to make sure we were serving our colostomate community. We also have a close relationships with Eric Polsinelli of Vegan Ostomy, Brian Greenberg of The Intense Intestines Foundation and Bret Cromer, of the United Ostomy Association of America and Youth Rally, all of whom participated in our OstomyLife Roundtable Webinar.

Would you like to be featured in our OstomyLife community? We’d be happy to hear from you! You can learn more about how to be featured here.

Meet our team!

Shield HealthCare | Stronger with Shield

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Now that summer is here, may I swim in a pool? If so, will my ostomy bag be affected by chlorine in the water?
Hi! You may swim in a pool!
If your ostomy flange has a waterproof barrier you can go in the pool without any additional products. If your ostomy flange does not have a waterproof barrier...

Recent OstomyLife


  1. This applies to all the websites I have looked at that sell products. None of them show models with actual ostomies. I would like to see how products look on people with appliances. I would bet there are others that feel like I do.

  2. I am in the process of having surgery, I am reading everything I can find..I am so nervous about oder and leaks, I am becoming overwhelmed, please guide me to what I should stick to reading…

  3. Thankyou for answering me..I think knowing what is ahead of me will be a help and I will follow your site closely

  4. I need suggestions on how to cure a small wound from the inner part of the circle of my bag it looks like a rash go e bad quickly to the point the wound has spread larger and it’s a open wound(slash) rash can I put some kind of bandage over it to keep the faeces off of it all

  5. I got my ostomy when I was ten. (And I’m not going to tell you how many years ago that was!) It was for my bladder due to incontinence. So if anyone wants to ask me any questions, go for it! BTW- I use Hollister stuff-glue, waffers, pouches,(two piece) etc. So is there anyone else here that has had any kind of ostomy bladder surgery?

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