The birds and the bees …oh geez, do we really have to go there? Yes, we do. Our children with special needs are still kids who are hungry for information.
As special needs parents, advocate, independence, and empathy are three vital words to our children’s lives. But I would like to add one more.
As a special needs parent, I’ve had to train myself to put down that Magic Eight Ball. I’ve had to stop asking all the “what-ifs” over and over again.
I needed movement for stress relief more than ever when my son was born with a physical disability. But how could I go for a run with a child with a trach?
When you're parenting a child with special needs, there will always be storms. Life is about unexpected situations and how we weather them.
My husband's request for a Father's Day gift surprised me...until I stopped and thought about all he does for our child with cerebral palsy.
I am on my couch, Googling “travel backpack-special needs-forty plus pounds.” We are - deep breath - taking a family vacation to Colorado in July.
Until we began to carve out our home to make it accessible to our son with cerebral palsy, I did not know I could plan his path to freedom.
We hadn’t even made it to the Target toy section when he laughed and cupped his hands together to sign “more.” He was looking at an ad of a boy in a walker.
Special needs parents are perhaps the best at feeling guilt when we miss a milestone moment for our child. But it doesn't have to be that way.