As we age we tend to need fewer calories while requiring more key nutrients. This paradox can cause complications for seniors if not properly managed.
A healthy diet can protect your skin and help prevent disease, such as skin cancer. Follow these top 10 tips for nutrition and your skin.
Due to changes in biological functions, many elderly people experience a loss of appetite. Read these steps that can be taken to help ensure healthy eating.
You or your senior may need to increase your calorie and protein intake if you have lost weight or are having trouble gaining weight.
Seniors are particularly vulnerable to poor nutrition status. Good nutrition can improve health and functional status.
Read this article about nutrition for seniors for tips and recipes that offer simple and inexpensive ways to boost calorie intake.
*Updated January 5, 2021 If you are over 70 years old, some of your dietary needs differ from other populations. Your calorie needs decrease as you get older, yet you may need more of some key nutrients. How Many Calories The amount of calories you need depends on how physically active you are. The USDA… Continue reading Nutrition Over 70: A Guide To Senior Dietary Needs