Tag Archive: ostomy and odor


Ostomy Tips: Ballooning

Ballooning, when used in terms of ostomies, is used to refer to an ostomy bag that is puffed up (like a blown-up balloon) due to gas.

Kelsey Scarborough
How to Enjoy Thanksgiving with an Ostomy

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving with an Ostomy

I was nervous for my first Thanksgiving with an ostomy, but over the years I have developed some survival techniques to successfully enjoy dinner.

Kelsey Scarborough
ostomy concerns

I Don’t Want an Ostomy Bag – Top Concerns for Those Facing Ostomy Surgery

No one wants an ostomy bag. But Laura has one, and it hasn't stopped her from living & enjoying her life. Watch these top ostomy concerns get blown away.

Aimee Sharp
Ostomy Terms

Ostomy Terms Explained | Ostomy Glossary

New ostomy terminology can feel overwhelming! In order to explain, we’ve put together a glossary of ostomy terms in alphabetical order.

Laura Cox, LPC
Empty Your Ostomy Pouch

How to Empty Your Ostomy Pouch Video

How to empty your ostomy pouch, shown by someone who has had an ileostomy for over seven years, along with tips and suggestions.

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Diet Tips

Ostomy Diet Tips for the Holidays

Shield HealthCare discusses ostomy diet tips for the holiday season. In this article we talk about avoiding dietary issues while celebrating the season.

Laura Cox, LPC
Travel with an Ostomy

Travel with an Ostomy – Holiday Edition

Shield HealthCare's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist shares tips for traveling. Travel with an ostomy doesn't have to be stressful if you're well prepared!

Laura Cox, LPC
Odor Management with an Ostomy

Odor Management with an Ostomy

Odor management with an ostomy seems to be a concern in the forefront of many people's minds. Here, Laura Cox, our Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, shares tips.

Laura Cox, LPC
nutrition and your ostomy

Nutrition and Your Ostomy Video

In this video, Shield HealthCare's Registered Dietitian, Amy Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS, discusses nutrition and your ostomy, with many tips.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
colostomy or ileostomy nutrition

Nutrition and Your Ostomy

In this article, and the associated video, we're discussing nutrition and your ostomy after surgery and tips for your diet after ostomy surgery recovery.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
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Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Hey Laura, I’m a new ostomate and just got the clearance from my doctor to resume a regular diet. Any tips for things I should watch out for?
Hi Susan, Excellent question!
I would say there are three important things you can do to reduce your risk of problems when returning to a more normal diet...