Tag Archive: pouch


Tips and Tricks to Avoid Ostomy Pancaking

A common issue ostomates face is pancaking. Our OstomyLife Co-Moderator, Kelsey Scarborough, has compiled this troubleshooting guide based on her experience.

Kelsey Scarborough

Ostomy Products: Finding What Works Best For You

I went into surgery eager to get to the other side because I was desperate to feel better. I didn’t even consider what ostomy pouching system to wear.

Kelsey Scarborough
Music Festivals with an Ostomy

Wild and Free with an Ostomy: Music Festivals / Camping / Concert – Tips and Tricks

Every year I attend a music festival in New York. Read my advice about how to attend music festivals with an ostomy.

Kelsey Scarborough
Dressing with an Ostomy

Ostomy Hacks: Dressing with an Ostomy

Our OstomyLife co-moderator Kelsey Scarborough shows you her favorite hacks for dressing with an ostomy - with photos! - in this article.

Kelsey Scarborough
Concealing an Ostomy Bag

Concealing an Ostomy Bag | Ask Laura

Shield HealthCare's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist offers suggestions to a man who wants help concealing an ostomy bag when his shirt rides up.

Laura Cox, LPC

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Now that summer is here, may I swim in a pool? If so, will my ostomy bag be affected by chlorine in the water?
Hi! You may swim in a pool!
If your ostomy flange has a waterproof barrier you can go in the pool without any additional products. If your ostomy flange does not have a waterproof barrier...