Caregivers Home

Male Caregiver

The Hidden Male Caregiver

Many people don't realize that 4 in 10 caregivers are men, and they need support. Today, 40% of the 40 million Americans caring for a loved one are male.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Seniors with No Appetite

Healthy Eating for Seniors with No Appetite

Due to changes in biological functions, many elderly people experience a loss of appetite. Read these steps that can be taken to help ensure healthy eating.

Dr. Kristy Taylor
outstanding programs in Alzheimer’s Caregiving

Three Outstanding Programs in Alzheimer’s Caregiving Honored at AiA17 Conference

Family Caregiver Alliance and The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation honored 3 outstanding programs in Alzheimer’s Caregiving at the AiA17 Conference.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
companies cutting back on caregiver benefits

Interview: Companies Cutting Back On Caregiver Benefits

A thoughtful Q&A with The Aging Experience's Anthony Cirillo and’s Carol Marak, where they discuss the issue of caregiving in the workplace.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Coping with Loss

Coping with Loss: Webinar Video and Slides

Watch this free webinar on Coping with Loss on demand. Understanding the process of grieving and providing strategies for coping with bereavement and grief.

Aimee Sharp
Alzheimer's treatment

The Latest Alzheimer’s Treatment and Research News

Since the 1980’s, the respected team at the Alzheimer’s Association has been engaged in research and major advancements in Alzheimer’s treatment and...

Gina Flores
caregiver apps

4 Popular Caregiver Apps

In the case of the busy caregiver managing the home medical needs of a loved one, the latest caregiver apps offer an efficient way to...

Gina Flores
managing medications manejo de medicamentos

8 Caregiver Tips for Managing Medications

When your health or that of the person you care for depends on medications, it’s critical to keep track of doses, refills and any interactions.

Gina Flores
new medicare card nueva tarjeta de Medicare

Reducing Fraud: A New Medicare Card is Coming Soon

With consumer security and fraud protection as the top priority, new Medicare cards will no longer feature the social security numbers of beneficiaries.

Gina Flores
family caregiver support

Five Acts of Kindness to Support a Family Caregiver

How can we support a family caregiver? Through thoughtful acts of kindness, we can make a meaningful difference and be a source of encouragement in...

Gina Flores
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